Episode 140
Be Strong & Courageous
Thank you to all who have reached out to me after the Quad State Tornado. What a week this has been. It was our first Tornado experience and since this one is being called the worst one in History, it's all down hill from here isn't it? We were directly in the path of the Thunderstorms and the Tornado's, and could have been hit just like so many others, but God! I don't know why we were spared and others had their homes turned into match sticks or worse lost their lives. But I do know that even those that are missing right now are known by God, and He knows exactly where they are. Praying for those that have been hurt and affected by this devastation, and asking God for His continued mercy with more storms that are on the horizon. I may record my thoughts about this Tornado in the future, but for now, I'd like to Keep my eyes focused on the message in Luke that we have been looking at.
We begin Luke Chapter 2 today and see "what comes to pass" just like God said it would. If you are paying attention to the Bible as you read, you will find glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament where He is concealed and then find Him revealed in the New Testament. Like I said last time, It's not just a story!
In Luke Chapter 2 we find Joseph and Mary on their way to their Hometown of Bethlehem. Ceaser Agustus wanted to take a census of all the people so he could tax them. In so doing, God's plan of Jesus being born in Bethlehem will come about. Mary was accompanied by Joseph to whom she was betrothed. There is very little that is written about Joseph in this account, but if we look closely we can see the picture of a servant.
I know the world is harsh and filled with sin and heartache now that we have been placed outside the Garden of Eden in an act of mercy. Life is hard, but GOd is good. He will watch over us, and knows our sufferings.
So as we walk through life, remember to Be Strong & Courageous
Music & Lyrics of Be Strong & Courageous by Brad & Monika Hardy
Keeping you in prayer. Moni