Episode 75
Revelation Chapter 1
In these days, called the Last Days, or the Age of the Church, there is nothing on the clanedar that has to happen before the Rapture of the Church. Now there may be controversy as to when that will happen, but the Bible is silent on the actual date or time on the matter, although it does tell us that we would be able recognize the season of it's coming. With Covid setting the stage for a great Re-set on a global scale the season is looking very ripe and close for Jesus to call His Church home.
The Revelation: Apocolypse is translated better as "The Unveiling"
Dictated by God to Jesus, to John, to the Churches to us all these years later.
The Outline of the Book of Revelation:
- Those things that are
- Those things that were
- Those things that will be
The Vision of the Son of Man that came to John the Apostle, who was told to write all these things down.
There is a specific blessing for those who read, listen and obey the words in this Book of the Bible.
Would you like to be blessed?
Listen in, and read along.
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Theme Song by Brad & Monika Hardy "Brand New"